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Portada de Café La Flor de Córdoba

Café La Flor de Córdoba

About us

La historia de nuestra cafetería tiene un toque especial, comenzamos con nuestro primer servicio en el año de 1983 en la hermosa ciudad de Guadalajara. Desde entonces hemos trabajado bajo valores como honradez, respeto, actitud positivista, responsabilidad, trabajo en equipo, compromiso y puntualidad, con el fin de ser la cafetería consentida de los comensales. El trabajo que realizamos día a día le dan a nuestro café un sabor inconfundible.

Cafeterías en Puerto Vallarta


Café La Flor de Córdoba 31 de Octubre 85, Escultura los Milenios, Col. Centro Puerto Vallarta 01 322 113 0409

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In the new site of Mano a Mano you can make a profile exclusively yours that you can customize to your taste by modifying the profile photo and cover, and adding important information of yourself. You can also go to the business section, services, articles and vacancies and save all you want by making them favorites, so they can appear in your home section. All the businesses that you prefer will show you their offers making the shopping experience easier and more accessible for you. You can also publish articles, offer your services, offer your vacancies or send your curriculum if you are looking for a job.
Of course! You can be a user without a store, you just have to register and create your free private profile, to access the benefits of manoamano.com
You will have your personal profile and you can personalize it so that it speaks about who you are, you can publish up to 5 offers of products, services or vacancies. You can publish your resume and send it automatically when contacting a vacancy.
In your business profile you can sell a wide range of products, services or vacancies. Your offers will always appear first than those of individuals. Depending on the size of your package you will have the opportunity to appear in the navigation of our main page. You can have a map and contact information as well as notifications of those interested in your products!
In the new Mano a Mano site we call offers to all publications, that is, an article is an offer of a product because it is “offered” at the same time as a service is an offer and a vacancy or job search is one offer. We call them that because they are being offered to the community.
Of course! All registered users in manoamano.com can make use of their direct contact characteristics.
Hand to hand offers 5 publications for free. This means that you can mix as many vacancies, articles or services you want to publish as long as you do not exceed 5 posts. The system will inform you when your offers have been published.